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About – The Family Creative

Welcome to The Family Creative!

A site dedicated to sharing fun, easy and affordable ideas to encourage family connection through creativity.

Even if you’re super busy, or someone who usually shudders at the thought of glitter and glue sticks, I hope you’ll find something of value here.

On this site you’ll find:

Edible Engineering - child building with lollies and toothpicks
  • tips, ideas and inspiration for nurturing and celebrating family life
  • easy art and craft activities
  • screen free play ideas
  • tips for getting organised (so we can clear the clutter from our lives, schedules and budgets, to make room for more creativity and family fun!)
  • resources for all of the above
  • and much more…

Read more in our very first post: ‘Creativity is Contagious…’.

About – Donelle

Hello there! I’m Donelle, Aussie mum to two kids, working part time outside the home, and author of ‘The Family Creative’. A site dedicated to sharing fun, easy and affordable ideas to encourage family connection through creativity. Along with tips and ideas to clear the clutter from our homes, schedules and budgets. To make room for more creativity and family fun!

Even if you’re super busy, or someone who usually shudders at the thought of glitter and glue sticks, I hope you’ll find something of value here.

I hope you’ll find ideas and inspiration here, to encourage family connection through creativity with your own family.

Still here? Read more about Donelle…

I’ve always loved making things. In the days before we could carry the internet around in our pocket, I grew up on a farm where my siblings and I were encouraged to make our own fun. We had to, we were miles from the nearest town and only had one television station!

As a small child, I spent a lot of time with a wonderful lady who I ‘adopted’ as an extra grandmother. ‘Nanna G’ taught me how to make my first pom pom, how to french knit and she made me lots of gorgeous little dresses. Although nothing we ever made together would have been considered ‘Pinterest perfect’, I’ve always remembered the time I spent, and the fun I had, making things with her.

Nanna Garland and Donelle on fifth birthday

‘Nanna G’ and I on my fifth birthday.

Fast forward 30+ years, with my own children (and access to internet!) and I’m still making my own fun! I still enjoy trying new crafty pursuits, baking, giving handmade gifts and celebrating family. Especially amid the stress of everyday life.

While our finished products are still rarely ‘Pinterest perfect’, the creative process and time together is what we really value. I’m enjoying seeing our children develop their own creative selves too. We provide them with the free time, materials and encouragement to do so, then get out of their way!

Two children creating Marble Art

I hope you’ll find ideas and inspiration here to encourage family connection through creativity with your own family.

Other tidbits

BIG kiss - elephant planting a kiss on side of head of woman
  • Before Hubby and kids, I backpacked solo around the world. Including working and living in Scotland.
  • I’ve traveled to over twenty different countries (Scotland, Cambodia, Spain and New Zealand are a few favourites).
  • Since becoming a parent in 2011 I’ve had seasons of being a ‘stay at home’ parent full time, working part time outside the home, and working full time outside the home.
  • I haven’t had a credit card since 2013.
  • Since 2016, we’ve embraced quite a few Minimalist principles, removing about 80% of our belongings since we began. We continue to enjoy the benefits to family connection and creativity that this allows, and highly recommend simplifying.
  • During my ‘full time stay at home parent’ stage, I established a Handmade Market. When my father became terminally ill, I chose to pass the market on to new owners so I could spend more time with him. I started the market to provide an opportunity for local artists, designers, craftspeople, growers and gourmets to showcase their talents and wares. The focus being on high quality handmade items and local produce (I told you I love this stuff!). It also provided the opportunity for the community to support local, independent makers and producers. Although I am no longer involved in the market, it is still going strong all these years later which is fantastic.

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